Story by Verna Stutzman

Cedar Hill, TX
Nov 20, 2000

“Of the making of books there is no end”

When I came home from Papua New Guinea this past April, my pastor’s wife gave me a complimentary copy of her newly published book, “Keepers of the Treasure”. I read it with great interest, especially after I came across a ‘cool’ story she had included about Robert, myself and our boys. The book is written to women – teaching them how to live Godly lives in our Western culture and how to be Godly wives and mothers. It’s a wonderful book and I recommend it to all women, and not just because she included a story about the Stutzman family!

I was notably struck with JoAn’s theme of passing our Godly heritage on to our children and grandchildren. She included story after story about her Christian parents and grandparents, which she had passed on to her son. I asked myself, “How can I pass on a Godly heritage to my sons? There is more religiosity than Godliness in my family background.”

Then the Lord reminded me that 28 years ago when I was staying with Pastor Vic and RuthAnn in Goshen, Indiana, He (God) had spoken to me, “Verna, someday I want you to write a book – I want you to write the story of your life”. I knew the ‘word’ was not for that time, so I put it on the ‘shelf of my heart’ and that’s where it’s been all these years.

Now with JoAn’s book in my hand, I knew that it was time to start on that book. As I struggled with writing about the first 25 years of my life, I cried a lot. I wondered, “How will all this ugliness demonstrate a Godly heritage to my children and grandchildren?”

Unexpectedly, it dawned on me; “God is not limited to making beauty out of beauty. God can make beauty out of ugliness.” I pray that when you read my story, you will be able to see how God took the ugliness of the first 25 years of my life and made something beautiful out of it with the rest of my life.

I have the first 25 years of my life in rough draft, the second 25 years in outline form, and the third 25 years – well I haven’t lived them yet! I don’t know if I’ll publish my story as a paper book or an electronic book. And I don’t know if the audience includes anyone other than my children, grandchildren and a few close friends. But I do trust the Lord to direct my steps.

PS If you don’t live in the Dallas area, but would like a copy of JoAn Summer’s book, send me an email and I’ll try to get one for you. They’re only $10 each.

PSS I arrived home safely from Waxhaw on Saturday. My presentation of the Scripture Checking software went very well. At this conference, I got a strong round of applause. I was told that my software got a standing ovation when it was presented to the workers with United Bible Societies. Thank you for praying.

PSSS Have a Thankful American Thanksgiving!