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A Tribute to Verna’s Mother – December 2014
by Verna Stutzman
We had a safe fast trip to Manitoba, arriving in Steinbach Wednesday noon (Dec 10th) after 21 hours in the car. My sister, Delores and her family arrived shortly after us. We began planning the family service which was held Friday evening at the Birchwood Funeral Chapel and the funeral which was held Saturday morning at Greenland Church. I gave a tribute to my mother Friday night at the family service, which can be viewed here. Jason read the obituary at the funeral service, which can be accessed online.
All of mom’s living brothers and sisters and many friends attended these services. It was so nice to see so many people whom I had not seen for years, even decades.
After the arrangements had been made, we began cleaning out her apartment and disposing of her belongings. On Wednesday morning, Dec 17th, we left for our home in Texas, arriving here last night.
We are so grateful for all the love poured out on us in the form of prayers, greetings, cards, money gifts and food. May the Lord bless each one of you.
A Tribute to My Mother – video
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December 9, 2014
Lillie Friesen Penner
October 16, 1925 – December 9, 2014
Verna’s mother, Lillie Penner, passed away this morning. She was 89 years old and still sewing quilts and going for walks. It was very sudden, but an answer to my prayer, which was that the Lord would keep her healthy until the day He took her home.
Robert and I are leaving today on the 1300 mile drive due North into ‘winter’ for the funeral and taking care of her affairs.
Thank you for your prayers, your friendship, love and support.
October 2014
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